What is y’all?

y’all is a logging library written for Go. There are many logging libraries written for Go. There are many are that are probably objectively better than this one. But this is yet another leveled logger.

y’all focuses on a few key areas and largely faffs about with all the other decisions to be made. Here are the things it wants to do really, really well:

y’all is also an objectively better word than “guys” for a group of people that is not, in fact, 100% male.

How do I use y’all?

Check out the GoDoc for some examples and the API reference.

Who are y’all?

We’re the people behind Impractical Labs. We’re a silly “company” that doesn’t do much, but still does nonsense like this anyways.

y’all is open source and liberally licensed. You can find it on GitHub if you want to look at the code, file an issue, or open a PR.